In addition to assisting clients with Wills, Robertson & Gable, LLC also offers legal services to its corporate clients in the following areas:
- Corporate and LLC name changes
- Amending and Restating Articles of Incorporation and Articles of Organization
- Dissolution of profit and nonprofit corporations and LLCs
- Conversion of a corporation to become a LLC or a LLC to become a corporation
- Conversion of out of state corporation or LLC to a Georgia corporation or LLC
- Mergers
- Reinstatement of an administratively dissolved corporation or LLC
- Qualification of foreign corporation (in Georgia and other states)
- Shareholder Agreements
- Transfer/Redemption/Issuance of Shares
- Annual Minutes and corporate governance
- Registered Agent services
- Business Closings (sale or purchase of business)
- Formation of Entities in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee in conjunction with local attorneys in those states
To inquire about fees for these corporate services, contact us.